I had a few minutes yestarday to try the new version, but I didn't feel any new force stalling the aircraft. Only, maybe, a very, very subtle vibration in a deep stall that lasted a couple of seconds. The other forces are working correctly as always.
If I understand correctly, I don't need to do anything after installing the new version to have the new features enabled. Those changes in the fsforce.cfg are only for customization. Am I right?
The "About" information says version I suppose that it corresponds to the new version 2.5.
I'm using MS Sidewinder FFB2, winxp and FSX with Acceleration.
Anyway, as I said, I just tried it for a few minutes. I have to test it more calmly.
Version 2.5
Moderator: RussDirks
Wow, I posted in October
Well, it's been now that I have had the time to take a look at this, and it seems that I simply didn't download the right version, hence the absence of the new features.
The version wasn't right, it didn't mean version 2.5. If someone would has pointed it out I could have fixed this issue months ago. Hopefully I realized it by myself at the end.
Well, it's been now that I have had the time to take a look at this, and it seems that I simply didn't download the right version, hence the absence of the new features.
The version wasn't right, it didn't mean version 2.5. If someone would has pointed it out I could have fixed this issue months ago. Hopefully I realized it by myself at the end.